Why That Old Engine Block May Be Worth Some Money

One person's trash can easily be another person's treasure, which is why finding scrap metal is a viable way to make some extra cash. However, you need to know where to find scrap metal and how to get the most money out of it. Here are some tips for scrapping an old engine block and turning it into cash. Scrap The Whole Engine As Is If you are new to recycling scrap metal and not sure what you are doing, you may be better off just scrapping the entire engine.

Six Things To Be Aware Of When You Recycle Copper

If you are recycling copper for the first time, you might be uncertain of how copper recycling works or what you can expect to get out of it. The following are six things to be aware of when you recycle copper. Scrap copper is categorized into different grades. When you're recycling copper scrap, it's good to be aware of the grade of copper that you have. The grade determines the value of the copper.

3 Useful Tips When Recycling An Air Conditioning Unit

If you're replacing your current air conditioning system, it's a good idea to recycle it instead of just dumping it somewhere. This way, you don't do harm to the environment. To make this recycling process as stress-free as possible, remember these tips.  Sell Operable Parts Before you turn this old air conditioning unit into a recycling center, it's highly recommended to look for parts that are still operable. They can, in fact, be sold for a profit, so even though you're not using this system anymore, you can still earn some cash for it.

3 Things You May Be Able To Buy From A Scrap Metal Recycling Center

Copper, aluminum, steel, iron, and titanium—there's a whole list of metals that are easy to recycle, and many consumer products contain these elements. If you are lucky enough to have a scrap metal recycling center in your neighborhood, you have the opportunity to help the environment, and maybe even put some cash in your pocket, by selling the facility scrap metal pieces. However, there are also things you may be able to buy at a scrap yard that you may have never considered.

Why Your Company Should Use A Plastic Scrap Recycling Company For Disposing Of Excess Plastic From Production

If your company uses plastic to manufacture products, then you have to find a way to get rid of any excess plastic that your company ends up with. If you do not currently have a working relationship with a plastic scrap recycling company, it might be time to contact one that offers services in your area. Avoid Switching to Metal Even though you might like the fact that your company makes products out of plastic -- for example, you might have found that plastic is the most affordable material to use for the products that your company makes -- you might have thought about switching to metal when possible so that recycling will be easier.